...the uglier they are the more I want them...

A very early version of this site crossed my way some time ago on a server at the end of the universe. Reviewing it I decided it still might be of some interest ...

While the original version was just English (don't ask me why...I am German and my English is quite faulty sometimes, I guess:-) and I am not a real friend of what I would call anglo-american cultural imperialism, though things might be a bit boring here without all those influences:-)) the second edtion was German and now I manage to find some helpfull mind who gracefully added French, so we can see all European main languages in the third edition.

The shown guitars are part of my (former) collection of European instruments, picked during the last 20 years (ooops, maybe it is longer time ago now, I see while translating...), following German typical 60s behaviour there is one model from Israel :-) and an other exception from Japan. My personal guideline made me choose strange constructions rather than standards. Nevertheless some of this guitars are good playable instruments. Some are suffering of basic misconstructions, part of the reason they had to leave the market during the 70s when companies of the Far East (and later on from south America) took over giving customers better price-value relation.

Please, don't get me wrong: some of the German guitars built during the 60s and early 70s are still great tools and instruments of high quality, the right choice if you dare being different or just want a guitar that serves you well.

If you would like to touch what you see, try contacting, the world is a small ball right now and there might be ways...

Have pleasure, greetings

Frank Perrey

Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Frank Perrey, Hannover, im Folgenden genannt "der Autor"
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Die mit dieser Homepage verlinkten Seiten (sog. externe Links) wurden auf ihren Inhalt überprüft zuletzt am: 12.08.2007
Nach diesem Zeitpunkt durchgeführte Veränderungen an diesen verlinkten Seiten entsprechen möglicherweise nicht dem Informationsgehalt, der durch die Verlinkung zugänglich gemacht werden sollte und entziehen sich der redaktionellen Verantwortlichkeit des Autors.
project started Juli 1997 on an Atari TT030, Frames added at April '98
multi-language-support added July 2004
latest editional change: 02-2008: lots of pictures added,
last technical changes: 03-2008 MSIE 6.0-Error fixed (text was rendered in vertical column)
02-2008 all details-pages integrated subnavigation to page top, some errors erased (e.g. Gittlerlist, Firefox Galery-Error), new Dynacord Cora-list
11-2006 php variables, preparations for standalone publishing, subdomain setup www.guitars.greenbuddha.de
2006-11-19: frames gone again :), Quick Finder works