Von: barrashi <barrashi@012.net.il>
Datum: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 18:00:58 +0200
An: Frank Perrey <frank@greenbuddha.de>
Betreff: Re: Question concerning number of produced Gittlers

Hello Frank
No Gittler was 'handcrafted'. I don't know what you mean by that, but all Gittlers were made by machinists.
In fact, three machinists were involved. In New York Allan Gittler produced and sold sixty guitars.
They were machined by Bob Kretchmer, a topnotch prototype builder. He also made three Gittler basses.

In Israel, Allan formed a partnership to make and market the Gittler.
Guitars 61 - 68 were produced by Julius Benistri, who had a shop in Jerusalem.
His guitars were made out of a particularly high-grade steel and have a slight gold cast to the color.
I believe they also have a strap holder attached. Astron made guitars 69 and up, but we have no idea when
he stopped producing the guitar or how many he made or sold. If he hadn't tricked Allan into giving
him exclusive rights to the guitar, in other words if he hadn't already stolen it, there never would have
been plastic bodies and necks and strap plates.
These were not Allan Gittler's work, they were in fact the antithesis of his principles.
If you have guitar No 305, it's an Astron and it must have the plastic attachments and an inscription in Hebrew that says Bar Rashi Israel.
If you are interesting in having the true Gittler experience, remove all plastic from your guitar until you get to stainless steel.
Gittler used thin black rope for a strap which he tied to either end of the guitar.
He connected the pickups to a short cable attached to the back of the guitar with no plug or box.
[BarRashi's /Gittler's wife]

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